Halloween Activities 2


Halloween is a relatively new holiday in Spain, and many people are confused about what they should do to celebrate it. The most typical aspects of Halloween are costumes and trick-or-treating.

A costume is something you wear to imagine you are somebody or something other than YOU. Originally, Halloween costumes were scary (witches, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, etc.) because people wanted evil spirits to leave them alone. But, later on, as dressing up for Halloween became more popular, people realized that those scary costumes frightened children too! So they started wearing new, different costumes, such as cats and other animals, pumpkins, and even film characters! Today, you can dress up as anything you want for Halloween—it doesn’t have to be scary, although scary costumes are still very popular.

Here are some easy ideas for costumes you can make yourself, or with a little help from Mom and Dad.:

a. BAT:  


Stretchy black fabric
Black thread and needle or sewing machine
Measuring tape

  1. To find out how much fabric you need, measure from wrist to wrist across the wearer’s back (A). Also measure from neck to waist (B) and then one-half the circumference of the widest part of the arm (C). The amount of fabric you need is A x B+C.
  2. Lay out the fabric folded according to the diagrams on http://mypoppet.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-easy-bat-wings-for-halloween-or.html and cut out the shape of the wings.
  3. Fold over the top flap and sew it down. DONE! You can make the wings more special by painting lines with fabric paint from the points to the underarm. Wear with black clothes.

A white t-shirt
Black shoes or boots
1 black rubbish bag
2 big pieces of cardboard
1 medium piece of cardboard
A cardboard tube, painted black
Electrical tape

  1. Draw the shape of the front and rear of the motorcycle two times, one on each of the big pieces of cardboard. Make an ear 20 cm x 6 cm that comes out from the middle of each one.
  2. Paint and cut them out. Fold in the ears on the front pieces and glue them together to make the motorbike 3D. Then glue the edges of the front wheels together. Repeat for the back sections.
  3. With the medium cardboard, make a harness to go over your shoulders to hold up the motorbike by cutting out a hole your head will fit through in the middle. Glue the front and rear sections of the motorbike to this harness.
  4. Cut a hole the same size as the cardboard tube in the front of the motorbike. Put the tube through the hole and secure with tape or glue. These are the handlebars of the motorbike.
  5. Make the vest from the rubbish bag by cutting holes for your arms and head and making a cut up the middle. If you want, you can use silver electrical tape to make details like a zipper. If you want to make the stand-up collar, you can do it with cardboard.

Poster board
Black marker
Electrical tape
Elastic and Velcro strips
A white t-shirt and shorts (you can’t see these when you wear it)
Socks and pretty shoes

  1. Measure the person who will wear the costume. Using those measurements, draw a shirt and a skirt, and if you want, accessories like a purse or bow, on poster board.
  2. Cut out the pieces. Cut also some tabs about 5 cm x 10 cm from what’s left. Paint the clothes and let them dry.
  3. Use a black marker to make broken lines around the tabs and to add details to the clothes. Glue or tape the tabs to the pieces and the bow to the headband, if you decided to use it.
  4. Make the shirt sturdier by taping or gluing a 15 cm x 20 cm piece of cardboard to the back. Cut another piece the size of the skirt’s waist and glue it on. Also glue thin pieces to the skirt where the wearer’s legs will be.
  5. To make the straps, have the wearer hold the costume in place. Cut two pieces of wide elastic that go from the top of the shirt to the bottom of the other side, making an X across her back.
  6. Attach the elastic to the top of the cardboard on the shirt on both sides. Glue Velcro to the bottom of the shirt’s cardboard on both sides. Then attach the other side of the Velcro to the elastic. Use the same method to make a strap at the waist of the skirt.
  7. To wear the costume, put on the white shorts and t-shirt and the socks and shoes. Then put on the costume on top. Put on the headband with the bow and you are ready!

Once you choose your costume, you’re ready to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night. In the USA, children put on their costumes and go out into the streets. They stop at the houses and ring the bell. When someone opens the door, they say TRICK OR TREAT!, and the person gives them sweets. If they don’t say Trick or Treat, they can’t have any sweets. If you go trick-or-treating, be sure not to go to any dark houses or to eat any sweets until an adult says they are safe.

Para los papas y visitantes:

Como celebrar Halloween

Halloween es una fiesta relativamente nueva en España, y mucha gente no está muy segura de qué tiene que hacer para celebrarla. Los aspectos más típicos de Halloween son los disfraces y el “trick-or-treat”.

Un costume (disfráz) es algo que te pones para fingir que eres algo o alguien que no sea tú mismo. Al principio, los disfraces de Halloween daban miedo porque la gente quería que los espiritús malvados la dejaran tranquila. Pero a medida que disfrazarse para Halloween se iba popularizando, la gente se dió cuenta de que ¡los disfraces de terror también asustaban a los niños! Así que comenzaron a usar otros tipos de disfraces, como gatos y otros animales, calabazas, hadas, y ¡hasta personajes de cine¡ Hoy en día, te puedes disfrazar de lo que más te apetezca—no tiene que dar miedo, aunque tales disfraces siguen siendo muy populares.

Aquí hay algunas ideas sencillas para disfraces que puedes hacer tú mismo o con un poco de ayuda de Mom o Dad.


Tela elástica negra
Hilo y aguja o máquina de coser
Cinta de medir

  1. Para saber cuánta tela se necesita, mide de muñeca a muñeca a lo largo de los brazos de quién llevará el disfráz. Esta medida es A. También mide del nacimiento del cuello a la cintura (B) y la mitad de la circumferencia de la parte mas gruesa del brazo (C). La tela necesaria es A x B+C.
  2. Dispon la tela doblada según los dibujos en http://mypoppet.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-easy-bat-wings-for-halloween-or.html. El web está en inglés, pero las ilustraciones son muy claras. Recorta la forma de las alas.
  3. Dobla la tira superior de cada ala hacia abajo, según medida C, y cósela. FINITO! Para hacerlas más especial todavía, se pueden trazar líneas desde los puntos de las alas hasta el sobaco de quién lo llevará con pintura textil.
  4. Lleva las alas con ropa negra.

Vaqueros, una camiseta blanca, y zapatos o botas negras
Un casco
Una bolsa negra de basura
2 piezas grandes de cartón
1 pieza mediana de cartón
Un tubo de cartón del papel de cocina o de regalo, pintado negro
Pegamento fuerte
Cinta adhesiva de electricista o parecida

  1. Dibuja la forma de la parte delantera y trasera de la moto dos veces en los dos cartones grandes. Añade una tira de unos 20 cm x 6 cm saliendo del medio de todas las piezas.
  2. Pinta y recórtalas. Dobla las tiras de la trasera de la moto hacia dentro y pégalas para hacer a la moto 3D. También pega los bordes de las ruedas. Entonces repite con la delantera.
  3. Con el cartón mediano, hacer un harnés que pasa por encima de los hombros de quién lo llevará, cortando un circúlo de tamaño suficiente como para dejar pasar su cabeza. Pega las secciones delanteras y traseras a este harnés.
  4. En la delantera, haz un aguejero del mismo tamaño que el tubo de papel. Esto será el manillar. Inserte el tubo y fíjalo con pegamento o cinta adhesiva.
  5. Haz el chaleco de “piel” cortando en la bolsa de basura agujeros para la cabeza y los brazos y luego haciendo un corte a lo largo del medio delantero. Si se desea, se puede hacer detalles como cremalleras con cinta. Si se desea el cuello como en la foto, se puede hacer con cartón.

Cartulina blanca
Rotulador negro
Cinta adhesiva tipo electricista o parecida
Pegamento fuerte
Goma elástica y de Velcro
Camiseta y pantalón corto blancos (no se verán cuando el disfráz se lleva)
Calcetines y zapatos bonitos

  1. Mide a la persona quién llevará el disfráz. Con estas medidas, en la cartulina dibuja una camisa y una falda, y si quieres, unos complementos como un lazo o un bolso.
  2. Recorta las piezas. También recorta unas tiras como las de la foto de unos 5 cm x 10 cm de la cartulina sobrante. Pinta la ropa y déjala secarse.
  3. Con rotulador negro, hacer detalles en la ropa y también unos trazos rotos alrededor de las tiras. Pega o fija con cinta las tiras a la ropa y el lazo a la diadema, si has decidido usarlo.
  4. Refuerza la camisa con tiras anchas de cartón. Haz lo mismo con la cintura de la falda. También pega unas tiras en la falda donde estarán las piernas de quién lo llevará.
  5. Para hacer los tirantes de elástico, mide tos tiras de goma que van desde la parte superior del cartón de la camisa, por encima de la espalda y hasta la parte inferior del otro lado, en forma de X.
  6. Fija la goma a la parte superior del cartón. En la inferior, en cada lado, fija un tira de Velcro adhesivo. Fija la otra cara del Velcro en el extremo del elástico. Usa el mismo método para hacer un tirante para sujetar la cintura de la falda.
  7. Para llevar el disfráz, se pone la camiseta y el pantalón corto blancos y los calcetines y zapatos. Luego se pone el disfráz encima, cruzando las tiras elásticas en la espalda. Se pone la diadema, y ¡LISTA!

Una vez que eliges tu disfráz, estás preparado para irte de trick-or-treat en la noche de Halloween. En EEUU, los niños se ponen su disfráz y salen a la calle. Se van de puerta a puerta y tocan el timbre. Cuando alguien les abre, dicen “TRICK OR TREAT” (Truco o Trato), y la persona les da caramelos. Si no dicen TRICK OR TREAT, no pueden recibir ningún dulce. Si te vas de trick-or-treat, asegúrate de no ir a ninguna casa oscura y de no comer ningún caramelo hasta que un adulto no diga que están seguros. 




What you'll need:

  • 2 sheets of black construction paper
  • 1 sheet felt (green, orange, purple, or red)
  • Strip of black felt
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Tape

How to make it:

  1. Roll 1 sheet of black paper into a cone.
  2. Trim the bottom of the cone so that it will stand up on the table.
  3. Use a cup or jar as a guide and cut out a circle from black paper large enough for the hat brim.
  4. Glue the cone to the circle and set aside to dry
  5. Cut ¼” or ½” strips of felt and glue them around the cone.
  6. Cut a strip of black felt to go around the base of the cone.
  7. If you like, cut a bat out of black felt and glue to your hat.


What you'll need:
  • Black plastic bucket
  • Sandpaper
  • Yellow construction paper
  • Black marker
  • White craft glue
  • Black craft paint
  • Scissors

How to make it:

  1. If there's a design on the bucket, sand it down with sandpaper then scuff up the rest of the bucket
  2. Paint the bucket with black paint. This step is not necessary if the bucket is already black and does not have a design
  3. Draw several sizes and shapes of eyes on yellow construction paper. Cut the eyes out, keeping the two eyes stuck together rather than cutting them out individually
  4. Turn the eye shapes over so that the pencil lines are underneath.
  5. Draw eyeballs on with black marker
  6. Glue eyes all over bucket.

Hocus Pocus
This is a good film for a Halloween night. It’s very funny and for all ages. Here you have the song “I put a Spell on you”
And the YouTube’s link for watching the whole film. I hope you like it :D


(1) I was wrapped in white and buried in my tomb a long time ago. Now, I wait in the dark with my golden treasures all around. Outside the sand piles high over top my tomb.
(2) I am a monster that has been on a diet. There is no fat on me! Or muscle either! You might say that I am all skin and bones --without the skin. I rattle when I walk. And my teeth chatter when I talk.
(3) I come from far, far away. Most people think I am green and hideous. But really I am not so bad. I am just looking for a few Earthlings to put in my zoo back on my home planet.
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
(4) Welcome! Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Sorry we don't have any garlic bread. I can't stand it. What am I drinking you ask? Don't worry . . . it's . . um . . . grape juice. Now just relax while I look at your neck.
(5) I walk through walls as I please. Sometimes you can see me and sometimes you can't. I moan and I groan. I rattle chains. You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles.
(6) Most of the time, you would never guess I was a monster because I look just like you. But once a month, I let my hair down and howl at the moon. But beware! If I bite you will become like me.
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
(7) Made of metal, I do the work of my master who controls me by remote control. My master made me to take over the world.
(8) Dressed in black, I brew potions, I cast spells, and I put curses on people. If you bother me or my cat, you'll sit on a lily pad and eat flies.
(9) I live under bridges and in caves. I eat travelers that pass my way. I am large and ugly. I carry a club. Think of a word that rhymes with 'roll.'
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?


A witch’s pet that rhymes with rat:
A scary thing that rhymes with toast:
A bony monster that rhymes with sun:
A monster that rhymes with wire:
A monster that rhymes with tummy:
A funny person that rhymes with down:
What a witch rides that rhymes with room:
What kids say that rhymes with meat:
A scary pumpkin that rhymes with burn:

Where kids keep candy that rhymes with face:
A monster with stitches that rhymes with mine.
A person who steals treasure that rhymes with sit:
A skeleton’s home that rhymes with slave:
Who makes a web and rhymes with wider:



New Activities for the little ones.

Colour the letter and the monster of Halloween.

(you need a gmail account in order to see and download these archives)




Learning how to write the names of those things related to Halloween:




Halloween Printables