Halloween Games:
Halloween Bingo: http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/files/halloween1_bingo.pdf
Undead Smackdown: http://www.benjerry.com/fun/halloween/games/undead-smackdown/
Virtual Pumpkin: http://www.benjerry.com/fun/halloween/games/virtual-pumpkin/
Undead Smackdown: http://www.benjerry.com/fun/halloween/games/undead-smackdown/
Virtual Pumpkin: http://www.benjerry.com/fun/halloween/games/virtual-pumpkin/
Halloween Word search:
Let's get my head!!
Let's get my head!!
Carving Pumpkins:
How to carve a pumpkin? Follow this youtube video, it's so easy!!
http://www.zombiepumpkins.com/patterns-jacks.php. If you want to know different pumpkin carving patterns visit this website.
How to carve a pumpkin? Follow this youtube video, it's so easy!!
http://www.zombiepumpkins.com/patterns-jacks.php. If you want to know different pumpkin carving patterns visit this website.
Halloween Coloring pages:
Halloween Cards:
Q. What is a Mummie's favorite type of music? A. Wrap!!!!!
Q. What's a monster's favorite bean? A. A human bean.
Q. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A. A sand-witch.
Q. Where does a ghost go on Saturday night? A. Anywhere where he can boo-gie.
Q. Why did the game warden arrest the ghost? A. He didn't have a haunting license.
Q. Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party? A. He had no body to dance with.
Q. What do you give a skeleton for valentine's day? A. Bone-bones in a heart shaped box.
Q. Why did the skeleton cross the road? A. To go to the body shop.
Q. What happens when two vampires meet? A. It was love at first bite!
Q. Who was the most famous skeleton detective? A. Sherlock Bones.
Q. Who was the most famous French skeleton? A. Napoleon bone-apart
Q. Which building does Dracula visit in New York? A. The Vampire State Building.
Q. What do you call a little monsters parents A. mummy and deady
Q. What instrument do skeleton play? A: Trom-BONE.
Q. Why do vampires scare people? A. They are bored to death!
Q. What's a monsters favorite desert? A. I-Scream!!
Q. What do they teach in witching school? A. Spelling.
Q. Why does a witch ride a broom? A. Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord.
Q. What do you call a witch's garage? A. A broom closet.
Q. What do you call two witches living together? A. Broommates.
Q. What is a witch's favorite subject in school? A. Spelling
Q. What do you call a monster who poisons corn flakes? A. A cereal killer.
Q. Why do skeletons drink milk? A. To help their bones!
Q. What is a Skeleton's favorite song. A. Bad to the Bone
Q. What's a skeletons favorite part of the house? A. the living room
Q. What did the teenage witch ask her mother on Halloween? A. Can i have the keys to the broom tonight.
Q. What do you get when there´s a witch in the desert? A. You get a sandwich.
Q. What is a vampire’s favorite fruit? A: A necktarine
Q. What do the skeletons say be for eating? A. Bone appetite
Q. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the Halloween party? A. Because he had no body to go with.
Q. What is Dracula's favorite restaurant? A. Murder King
Q. What is a Ghost's favorite food? A. HamBoogers
Q: What did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost? A: You are the most booooooooo-tiful thing I have ever seen!
Q. Why does a cemetery have to keep a fence around it? A. Because people are dying to get in.
Q. Where do vampires keep their money? A: The blood bank!!!
Q. Who are some of the were-wolves cousins? A. The what-wolves and when-wolves.
Halloween Recipes:
These scary-good Halloween treats, prepared and eaten on the same fork, begin with a doughnut hole dunked in white chocolate.
- Ingredients
Tube of red decorator frosting
- Instructions
- To coat a dozen doughnut holes, melt the white chocolate chips with the oil over low heat (and keep the chocolate warm while you work). With a fork, spear each doughnut hole and submerge it in the melted chocolate to coat it, then gently tap off any excess.
- Stick a semisweet chocolate chip with its point cut off onto each doughnut hole, cut end first. Place the forks (handle side down) in a mug and allow the chocolate coating to harden.
- Use a tube of red decorator frosting to add squiggly veins radiating out from the pupils.
Para los papas y otros visitantes:
OJOS EN TENEDORES: Estos entrantes de miedo de Halloween, son para preparar y consumir en el mismo tenedor. Hay que comenzar con el agujero de un donut y mojarlo en chocolate blanco. Ingredientes: 2 de bolsas de chips de chocolate blanco 12 agujeros de donuts Chispas de chocolate semidulce Tubo de decorador rojo 2 cucharadas de aceite vegetal Instrucciones: 1. Para cubrir los 12 agujeros, derretir el chocolate blanco con el aceite a fuego lento (mantenga el chocolate caliente mientras trabaja). Coja con un tenedor cada agujero y sumérjalos en el chocolate derretido, formando una capa blanca, luego golpee suavemente el exceso. 2. Pegue las chispas de chocolate semidulce con las puntas cortadas en cada agujero de donut. Coloque los tenedores (mango hacia abajo) en una taza y permitir la cobertura de chocolate enfríe. 3. Use un tubo de decorador rojo para añadir la decoración ondulante para imitar las venas que irradian de la pupila.
- Ingredients
Green bell pepper
- Instructions
- Wearing plastic gloves or sandwich bags over your hands to keep the cheese as smudge-free as possible, use a paring knife (parents only) to cut each string in half and then carve a shallow area for a fingernail just below the rounded end of each half.
- Mark the joint right below the nail as well as the knuckle joint by carving out tiny horizontal wedges of cheese, as pictured.
- For the fingernails, slice a green bell pepper strips. Set the strips skin side down on your work surface and trim the pulp so that it's about half as thick. Then cut the strips into ragged-topped nail shapes and stick them in place at the ends of the fingers with dabs of cream cheese.
Para los papas y otros visitantes:
Instrucciones: 1. Use guantes de plástico o bolsas de bocadillos en sus manos para mantener el queso libre de manchas, use un cuchillo de cocina (sólo para padres) para cortar cada tira por la mitad y además corte una parte poco profunda para las uñas. 2. Marque las líneas de las articulaciones por debajo de la uña, así como las demás articulaciones como muestra la imagen. 3. Para las uñas, corte el pimiento verde en tiras. Ponga el lado de la piel de las tiras hacia abajo y retire la pulpa, quedándose así en la mitad del grosor. A continuación, corte las tiras en forma de uñas rasgadas y póngalas en los extremos de los dedos con la crema de queso Ingredientes Queso Mozzarella Pimiento verde Crema de queso
- Ingredients
Slivered almonds
- Instructions
- Just quarter and core an apple, cut a wedge from the skin side of each quarter, then press slivered almonds in place for teeth.
- Tips:
- If you're not going to serve them right away, baste the apples with orange juice to keep them from browning.
- Para los papas y otros visitantes: MORDEDURAS DE MANZANA:
- Ingredientes: Manzanas Almendras fileteadas
- Instrucciones: 1. Use solo el cuarto y el núcleo de una manzana, corte la piel y una parte de pulpa de cada cuarto. A continuación, ponga las almendra en el lugar de los dientes.
- Consejos: Si no les va a servir enseguida, ponga las manzanas con el jugo de una naranja para evitar que se queden marrones
- Halloween Songs: